This website aims to help you identify, access and utilise simulated training opportunities across the Thames Valley (& Wessex) regions and beyond.
Simulations may cover human factors, core knowledge or be specialty specific.
If there is a simulation course or training opportunity you would like us to include on the website, please do get in touch!
Our Team.
SIMply for Surgeons is a Educational Leaders in Education (ELiT) Leadership team project.
The Thames Valley Education Leaders in Training programme is a project based healthcare leadership course based in the Thames Valley Deanery across the five acute care trusts and two community trusts.
The team are passionate about medical education and with this project aim to optimise the utilisation of simulation training resources across the Thames Valley & Wessex regions and beyond. The website aims to collate information about simulation training opportunities so that courses and resources are easily accessible to surgical trainees.
Ms Kasia Bera
Vascular Surgery
Specialty Registrar
Ms Maria Chicco
Plastic Surgery
Specialist Registrar
Ms Afroza Sharmin
General Surgery
Specialty Registrar
Mr Prabhat Narayan
Specialty Registrar
Mr Ali Ansaripour
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Specialty Registrar
Ms Kat Butler
Trauma & Orthopaedic
Specialty Registrar
Ms Roshneen Ali
General Surgery
Specialty Registrar